The Minecraft Property Encyclopedia is a comprehensive repository of information about blocks, entities and items, compiled in a powerful and easy-to-use online tool. This project is open source and is being developed by a group of volunteer contributors. You can check out the
Github Page
for the (messy) source code and raw data.
The information in this encyclopedia aims to be as accurate as possible to the latest version of Minecraft Java Edition, but updating does take time. The version of each page is shown in the first paragraph of each page. If you notice any inaccuracies or missing information, please let us know on the Discord server or by creating an issue on the Github repository.
For discussion, updates, suggestions, questions, or if you are interested in contributing, feel free to join the
Discord server!
How to use
- Property selection: You can select from a long list of properties for each page by expanding this dropdown. It also has a basic case-insensitive search feature.
- Filtering: The values of properties can be used to filter and narrow down the list of entries that will be displayed. If a given entry has multiple values for this property (i.e. a stair block has both a full- and a half-block height), then only the values that match your filter are shown; if none match, the entry will be hidden.
- Sorting: You can sort the list by any property, including both number and text values. If an entry has multiple values, then it will attempt to split up into individual entries for each value, and can therefore show up in multiple places where applicable.
- Search: The main search bar lets you search through the entry names, as well as anything listed under "variants", given that that property is selected. Spaces (" ") in the search function as AND operators: typing "ca vi" will match "Cave Vines", despite not matching a continuous string. Pipe symbols ("|") also function as OR operators: "honey|slime" will show results for both honey and slime blocks. The search function is case-insensitive.
- Settings: Various other actions and options are available under the collapsing "settings" (), including reset buttons, size conversions, and exporting options.
Joa Mama
In order to effectivize the compiling of different properties, ensure accuracy, and speed up the updating process of the website's information for new game versions, a mod named Joa mama (heh) is being developed in order to extract the properties from the game code directly. It works by checking every block in the registry against a check for each property, and compiles a list of the results. This is then converted to the format used for the website via an external tool. Originally created by bldhf.
Joa | Founder & Lead developer
- 1190an
- 2No2Name
- bldhf
- CommandLeo
- Crec0
- Duck
- enbyd
- Firigion
- jjl21
- Limmelime
- lntricate
- mathmil
- T727